Santa has switched from sleigh to wheelchair (from late 2015)


(this is a translated article from late 2015)

Santa has already left Lapland… and it depends on You, when he’ll arrive!

Categorize places (Points Of Interests – bars, cafés, restaurants, gov. offices, hospitals, etc.) by deciding if it’s possible to enter with a wheelchair or not. By saving your survey result in our game, you help Santa with 1 km route, on his way from the North Pole. The distance is around 3000 kms to Budapest, so we’ll need you to check on 3000 places if you want him to arrive in time.

All the accessibility information you provide during the game is immediately shown in the Route4U application and online map and is real value to the wheelchair user community.

How does it work?

1. On the main page, click on the bottom-right arrow.

2. Choose the area where you want to play. The system will determine your position automatically, but it won’t always work due to phone and browser settings. Shall this occur, you can set your location by moving the map.

3. Choose the place you’d like to categorize and look for stairs at the entrace.

4. Finalize your choice by choosing one of the three colours.

5. Be proud of yourself, you’ve just created value! 🙂

Meaning of colours



No stairs at the entrance, doorstep is 3 centimeters maximum




There is a maximum of 1 stair at the entrance, not taller than 7 centimeters




There are more than 1 stairs at the entrance, or step is higher than 7 centimeters

Information Accessibility

Did you know that information about places’ accessibility is at least as important as phisical accessibility itself?

There are hunders of thousands of places on Hungary’s online map, but majority of them doesn’t have any info about accessibility. Now with a little cooperation we can achieve huge difference.

How can I join?

You can join the game on You’ll hear about the latest news on our facebook page. If you like the initiation, and you suppose some of your friends might be interested in helping a good cause or spreading the word, please invite them too, so we can make the world a bit more convenient place.

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